About Me

One day Bob and I just said: enough!

I served in full-time ministry coaching and mentoring women for an international Bible Study organization.

My job as Property Manager and Personal Assistant for an investment firm ended because I just couldn’t do it all.

We were killing ourselves to put our three daughters through college with a commitment to save them from graduating with debt.

I was caring for my live-in disabled 86 year old mom.

And we had just hosted our second daughter’s wedding!

On top of this, we enjoyed the blessing of six wonderful grandsons we wanted to build memories with!

My husband Bob was working full time as Chief of Operations for a not-for-profit ministry.

We were so tired of working around the clock and hardly seeing one another.

We were making great money but it was never enough...

We knew that if something didn’t change one of us was going to keel over dead.

A friend I trust joined a Network Marketing business she loved, but I swore I’d never get involved in network marketing again!

BUT...I took the plunge, “just one more try,” I told myself!

Pretty quickly I loved all the women I was meeting and serving, and I knew I was in a good place. But I honestly didn’t understand the industry at all.

I was ignorant like a lot of people.

However, when I sat down and really took a look at what was being taught, I knew this could be our ticket to freedom.

I had been looking for a way of creating residual income and I found it.

I was so excited, in my first 24 hours I had my initial investment back.

In my first 6 months, I had built a sizable customer base and was killing it that way, plus serving women I loved.

Things were going so well I thought I would be at the top of the company in a few short years, boy I was dead wrong.

My business fell apart, everyone I enrolled as business partners quit except my beautiful sister.

I wasn’t able to duplicate what we were doing.

I went back to the beginning and started over.

There was no way I was giving up – I am not a quitter!... My dad called me bullhead, my boss called me tenacious Bulldog!

Guts, grit, determination! That’s what it takes!

I continued to build old school, prospecting everyone that moved and throwing whatever I could at the wall hoping someone would stick.

I created a small team that was active and growing.

I began to dig, read books, listen to audios, watch training videos, search online, learn from people that had what I wanted.

Guess what?

I discovered Attraction Marketing!

I hired mentors and coaches and am honing my skills to attract the RIGHT people to me without chasing friends and family or being a salesy spammy weirdo!

What a concept right?

If you create value in the market, people will come to you.

My business doubled and has started growing rapidly.

By building online, using social media to leverage, people actively seek me out! This lets me enjoy more freedom with Bob, my mom, our grandkids and creates the speed necessary to create real momentum.

Owning your own home business will never be “open the box and all of a sudden you are successful.”

I don’t think any business is.

What I can tell you from my experience is that success loves speed.

It is possible to create a thriving home business in a small amount of time, as long as you are willing to invest in yourself.

Good thing too, as my husband learned his job was being eliminated due to the changing post-Covid needs – three years shy of retirement.

It’s important to always have a Plan B!

Training, hard work and following a mentor who is already successful is the path to success.

No one can predict your results, only you can be in charge of your destiny.

I look forward to being a part of your journey, big or small in any way.

I'll share with you what has worked for me through trainings and with products I recommend as well.

My advice: Dive In! Believe in the power within you to change your life and never give up!

Commit, play full out and don’t look back.

I wish you all the personal growth, success, joy and blessings of great friends I have found in this industry… and more!

Cheering you on with much love,

I would love to connect with you more!

© 2022 by Julie Birkeneder.

All rights reserved.